As of 2020/21, there are 273 primary schools (121,324 students), 26 secondary schools (20,708 students) in
Wag Himera. Only 2 of the primary schools are owned by private sector. A total 402 students enrolled in primary and secondary schools are special need students.
Reports show that the quality of education in Wag Himera is very poor. The pupil-to-book ratios and the number of available reference books in all levels of education (1-12 grades) is below the standard. Quite significant number of primary and secondary schools lack electricity, improved water, toilet facilities, laboratories, and libraries. Of 265 the inspected primary schools, 91 and 174 schools fall in Category 1 and 2, respectively. Of the 21 inspected secondary schools, 6 and 15 schools fall in Category 1 and 2, respectively. Virtually all schools in Wag Himera do not meet the requirements for the minimum standards set by the regional bureau of education.
The root cause of poor quality of education in the area is poverty, food insecurity, undernutrition, and under developed infrastructure. That is why addressing the short-term resources gaps of education in Wag Himera needs concrete and coordinated efforts from multiple actors – government, INGOs, NGOs, individual, and organizational donors.
WDA is doing its part. It has been supporting the education sector in different ways:
- Construction of school facilities (class rooms, laboratories, toilets, water supply)
- Educational materials (e.g., stationeries, text books, reference books)
- Recognizing outstanding students
- Capacity building to stakeholders (e.g., teachers, supervisors)
- School meal initiatives (and income generation schemes to schools support their meal programs)
Be part of our campaign to keep all children in schools.
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