Why donate us?

No matter how much you can afford to give, as a one-off donation, through regular giving, or by fundraising for charity, your donation matters. Every donation received adds up and helps our charity keep moving and make a positive difference in one of the most underprivileged areas in the world. We count and value all types of supports – financial, material, and technical expertise. You can be one time donator, long-term institutional pattern, or life time member. That all counts. Just support our cause.

How to track your support?

We usually try our best to keep you updated regarding the implementation status of the project supported with your financial, material, and technical support. Besides sharing the news via our social media platforms (Facebook and YouTube), we usually hand our written reports (aided by videos or photos, whensoever necessary) to our supporters. We are also more than happy to arrange a field visit to our project sites and/or person-to-person meeting with the ultimate beneficiaries.

Follow us on social medias and take a look to our Resources section to stay up to date. Contact us for material support to be picked up.

Donate Us

Wag Development Association – WDA (የዋግ ልማት ማኅበር – ዋልማ)
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
Account No.: 1000036134438